Loneliness; Children’s worst nightmare
Because of a dispute with her husband, a woman leaves her 9-month-old child alone at home and leaves the house until her father comes at night and sees the child alone and without a mother, so that he becomes a human being and appreciates such a pure wife more than ever! This lady had cut off contact with her child for three weeks so that her husband would accept her conditions! It may be hard for you to believe, but what I said was the truth… On the same day, I decided to explain to you about such rash decisions so that you would know what harm such actions can do to that innocent child.
Friends, always remember that if you have a child under four or five years old, don't leave him alone at once!
When a parent abandons their child suddenly or forcibly separates them from their child, it is the worst nightmare that a child can experience. In fact, the loss of parents is the most terrible nightmare that children can experience. Let me explain it to you more. In such cases, after a while, the child loses his appetite, feels fear and panic, becomes thin, and his body is dehydrated. becomes dehydrated), the brain releases a wave of stress hormones (such as cortisol and adrenaline), these hormones gradually start to kill brain cells that will never be repaired until the end of life, for this reason, these children in the future have There will be severe psychological problems.

Let me tell you a strange story in this regard: in 2000, the Romanian government invited a team headed by Dr. Charles Nelson, a professor specializing in child health from Harvard Medical University, to his country to investigate the situation of their orphanages and discuss the crisis. A human created because of the policies of the former dictator of this country, to help them. A few days ago, I told you in this article that during successive decades, the dictator of Romania, Nicola Ceausescu, had banned contraceptive methods and abortion, and had set additional taxes for families with less than five children! Ceausescu thought that the increase in the population of Romania would help improve its economic situation; but instead, the government was forced to establish many orphanages to provide a place to live for more than 100,000 children whose parents could not afford it.
Mr. Nelson’s description of the situation in the orphanages is astonishing, he says: We saw children there whose bodies were shaking uncontrollably, they were repeatedly self-harming and sometimes banging their heads against the wall. Our hearts really hurt, we forced ourselves to never cry in front of these children; Every time we felt that we were losing control, we had to leave the room immediately.

Mr. Nelson and his colleagues noticed strange differences in the brains of those children. They found that the amount of white matter in the brain of children who were separated from their parents at a young age was much less. The white matter of the brain consists of fibers that transmit information to different parts. Also, the gray matter of the brain of these children was very small; The task of the gray matter is to process information and solve problems, so you can guess that the brain activity of these children was much, much lower than expected. So, the important thing, friends, always remember that if you have a child under four or five years old, don’t leave him alone at once!